The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world.   At Lebone, we boarded the ‘Corona-coaster’ to face this new uncertain time.  We formulated some guiding principles to navigate the challenges.  These were:


  • Ensure the safety protocols and protection of all staff and beneficiaries
  • Collaborate with partners for service delivery
  • Support the emotional and mental health of staff and beneficiaries
  • Reimagine, re-design and implement programme delivery

The Covid-19 crisis caused the Centre to rapidly repackage crucial projects during 2020 and partner with various organisations, funders and friends to provide essential services in the form of food relief parcels and educational activities through various methods: community radio stations, WhatsApp groups, our Multilingual Storytellers, Activity and Literacy packs, Grocotts, Wordworks, Nal’ibali Supplements and our 20 books for 200 families in 2020 Campaign. Once we received our Compliance Certificate for our on-site projects, some normality returned in hearing children’s voices and laughter.

We started 2021 better prepared in dealing with the daily Covid challenges, but with the Delta variant we were again reminded that this pandemic continued the storm of uncertainty and one needed to continue being flexible. One cannot ignore the collective exhaustion with constantly adapting and reimagining projects, but it highlights the effectiveness and swift adaptability within the NGO sector in general and we are grateful that the Centre has been able to keeps its door open in more ways than one.

Our deepest sympathy to those who have lost loved ones and continue being affected by this pandemic.



The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world.   At Lebone, we boarded the ‘Corona-coaster’ to face this new uncertain time.  We formulated some guiding principles to navigate the challenges.  These were:


  • Ensure the safety protocols and protection of all staff and beneficiaries
  • Collaborate with partners for service delivery
  • Support the emotional and mental health of staff and beneficiaries
  • Reimagine, re-design and implement programme delivery

The Covid-19 crisis caused the Centre to rapidly repackage crucial projects during 2020 and partner with various organisations, funders and friends to provide essential services in the form of food relief parcels and educational activities through various methods: community radio stations, WhatsApp groups, our Multilingual Storytellers, Activity and Literacy packs, Grocotts, Wordworks, Nal’ibali Supplements and our 20 books for 200 families in 2020 Campaign. Once we received our Compliance Certificate for our on-site projects, some normality returned in hearing children’s voices and laughter.

We started 2021 better prepared in dealing with the daily Covid challenges, but with the Delta variant we were again reminded that this pandemic continued the storm of uncertainty and one needed to continue being flexible. One cannot ignore the collective exhaustion with constantly adapting and reimagining projects, but it highlights the effectiveness and swift adaptability within the NGO sector in general and we are grateful that the Centre has been able to keeps its door open in more ways than one.

Our deepest sympathy to those who have lost loved ones and continue being affected by this pandemic.


…we were catapulted into a world of re-imagined programme delivery.